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Ambassador Employee Referral Program

Last Updated: August 15, 2022

The Ambassador Employee Referral Program is an organic way to increase our recruiting efforts and business awareness through employee referrals and events.


The Always Compassionate ambassadors spread the Always Compassionate message by engaging
continuously and beneficially with their local community, colleagues, friends, and family. The ambassadors will initially be identified by our recruiters based on a screening process and the program is open to all employees. The goal is to identify and recruit potential caregivers. Each of these ambassadors are teamed up with a recruiter and is local to the company’s services areas, so they are able to tap into the community in an effective manner and are seen as a trusted source of information by that community. Moreover, the ambassadors can host small drink and learn activities, through a company-sponsored budget, in their homes, which integrates the company into the fabric of the community – as well as hosting a number of other community activities.

They also act as a bridge from the community to the company, with regular liaisons with Always
Compassionate caregivers. Another point is that they encourage their ambassadors to share successes and brand awareness with the community. This not only builds relationships but helps map out each targeted community and provides a wealth of knowledge and community legitimacy. This perfects the new employee experience, making the company feel trustworthy and integrated into the community.


Clinical Division – Referrals hired must start working within two weeks of their hire date and average a minimum of 10 hours a week. The three-month time period starts with the referral’s first day of employment.
• Three (3) hired referrals in a three-month period would be eligible for a $1,000 bonus ($200 * 3) +
$1,000 = total of $1,600.
• Seven (7) hired referrals in a three-month period would be eligible for a $3,000 bonus ($200*7) +
$3,000 = total $4,400.

PCA Division – Referrals hired must start working within two weeks of their hire date and average a minimum of 20 hours per week.
• Six (6) hired referrals in a three-month period would be eligible for $1,000 bonus ($200 * 6) + $1,000 = total of $2,200.
• Twelve (12) hired referrals in a three-month period would be eligible for $3,000 bonus ($200*7) +
$5,400 = total $5,400.

For more information, call 888.722.2072

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